
At GEMINI Collective Pension Fund the yearly reports for each affiliate were produced in a complex process. Data was processed in various Access Databases. The process depended on one specialist who intensively worked on this system. The management wanted to reduce this dependency on one person and establish an environment based on a stable architecture.

Solution implemented with Serwise AG:
After a deep analysis of the situation, the decision was made to implement a new Management Information System. Data are extracted from the productive systems overnight and stored in a well structured Data Warehouse. Queries and reports can then be generated with SQL, IBM Planning Analytics and Certent Disclosure Management. Data integrity was markedly improved during the construction of the Data Warehouse, as inconsistencies became apparent quickly with the new tools. Today queries, reports and financial statements are available quickly and without delay.
Certent Disclosure Management allows users to collaboratively combine structured financial data and unstructured textual elements and images or graphs, and also enables the client to automatically produce an individual annual report for each of the several hundred clients.

Products: Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Planing Analytics Express, Certent Disclosure Management
Source Systems: VE2000 (Less)